from our workshops
Voices: Childhood dream
I wanted to be a lawyer. But my father did not allow that. It was not a profession for girls, he said. So I became a school teacher.

Voices: Childhood dream
I wanted to be a doctor. Maybe, because my parents wanted their son to be doctor. They were very disappointed, when I my grades were not sufficient to study medicine. Then I studied English literature and started to work as as a teacher. I like my job very much.

Voices: Childhood dream
I wanted to be mechanic since I was a child. And now I am working in this profession. I think, if you like what you do, you will be good at it.

Voices: Own school experience
I didn’t liked maths, because the maths teacher used to hit us.

Voices: Own school experience
I was bullied by some class mates, because I came from another region and had a different dialect. That is why I did not like school.

Voices: Own school experience
There was so much pressure about getting good results. That made me fear school.

Voices: Own school experience
I liked to go to school because I was good at it and i was encouraged.

Voices: Being a parent
In Syria we were not invited to come to school. Only once a year to receive some general information.

Voices: Being a parent
Once I came to a parents meeting and the teacher told me to go home because I would not understand it anyway. She promised me to send me a summary about what had be discussed but never did.

Voices: Being a parent
My father was asked to come to school a lot, because I caused a lot of trouble - but never to talk about my school marks or development.

Voices: Being a parent
In Syria teachers treated me with respect because I was an engineer. Here I am nobody and the teacher treats me like I was somebody who did not receive any kind of education. That‘s hurtful.

Voices: Needs of teachers and parents
Parents often think that we as teachers have no money problems. But many of us do only have limited contracts and are constantly afraid of unemployment.

Voices: Needs of teachers and parents
I think we as parents need more knowledge about the school system in Germany.

Voices: Needs of teachers and parents
I think we as teachers need more information about the childrens educational history and what kind of difficulties their families face.

Voices: Needs of teachers and parents
I think the most important thing we need to support our children is psychological stability. Unfortunately most of us still suffer a lot.